Twinkly Musik Adapter
Twinkly Musik Adapter

Discover Twinkly

Twinkly is the new generation of LED lighting, combining advanced technology with a smartphone application. With the ability to control and customise these super smart lights at your fingertips, Twinkly is de-lightfully easy to use! Enjoy endless styling opportunities and transform your home with a touch of Twinkly magic.

Twinkly is the new generation of LED lighting, combining advanced technology with a smartphone application. With the ability to control and customise these super smart lights at your fingertips, Twinkly is de-lightfully easy to use! Enjoy endless styling opportunities and transform your home with a touch of Twinkly magic.

Twinkly Musik Adapter
Twinkly Musik Adapter

Twinkly Musik Adapter

Normaler Preis 37,99€ Verkaufspreis 22,99€

inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Tanz durch die Nacht mit dem Musik Adapter von Twinkly! Dieses Zubehör ist ein Muss für alle Partys und mit allen GEN II Twinkly Produkten kompatibel. Mit ihm kannst du deine Lichter zum Beat deiner...Mehr lesen

SKU: TW20001

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